I got three points! Wow, it’s colorful !
I got three points! Wow, it’s colorful !
I used 21 pieces Lego . 2minutes 20 seconds.
I was able to give sushi to my sister Susan!
We have many kind of sushi! My sushi is delicious. What is your favorite? May I take your order? Thank you!
I could not finish my homework , because I could not find one tool for stop thymio…
27 pieces! Hello,I’m Mr.ladybug. I always walk with my friend. She lives in flowers. We love plant louses.
12:56 / 29 pieces Who am I? I am white and black. My shape is triangle. I am made of rise.
I can bring a shark sushi! Oh, it’s funny!
I used 37 pieces of LEGO. The difficult point was black parts. It was soooo fun!
19 pieces I made it in 4 minutes and 44 seconds