MMP Lessons

Mission Card 27: Squash the Ant Scratch Game

In the real world, ants usually follow a predictable path, but in this game, you can make them move randomly at different speeds, adding an exciting twist to the challenge. Students will learn how to program ants to change direction and pace, making the game unpredictable and fun.

And while squashing bugs might not be something we encourage in real life, in this game, it’s all part of the fun! Players get to squash the ants and earn points for their quick reflexes. So get ready to test your programming skills and enjoy a lighthearted take on a fast-paced game!


Download the lesson PDF files below:

Squash the Ant Lesson – part 1


Jeremy is the creator of and the EFL resource company BINGOBONGO Learning. Passionate about programming, math, and learning, he loves thinking about fun new problems and challenges to inspire and engage students.

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